Click the link below to read more updates about Tom from his family:

Singing together somewhere in time

Singing together somewhere in time
Tom & Gwen

Tom Hunter

For information about Tom Hunter, his ideas, and his music, visit

Tom Hunter left all of us a legacy of celebration, music, compassion and giving to our communities. Throughout his lifetime, Tom worked with people of all ages and backgrounds to teach new ways of learning and living. We all are committed to "keeping it going" by remembering his smile and his music and his voice.

There was a tremendous outpouring of support for the Hunters during this transition, and the family is deeply grateful.


Tom Hunter was diagnosed on May 20, 2008 with Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease and died on June 20, 2008.

On September 2, 2008, a letter from the National Prion Disease Pathology Research Center confirmed that Tom had what's called 'sporadic CJD' (sCJD). His was an extremely rare type of sCJD that one in 4.5 million people are diagnosed with annually. We're very grateful that he did not have the inherited form, but it's critically important that a cure for all forms of CJD (caused by scrapy proteins in the brain which can take up to 40 years to manifest and kill their victims) are found. All forms of CJD are fatal.

The most accurate and up-to-date site for learning about CJD and supporting efforts to find a cure is .

Tom and Gwen

Tom and Gwen

Tom and Aeden

Tom and Aeden
May 8,2008

Tom and Irene

Tom and Irene
May 24th, 2008

To live on this earth
you must be able
to do three things:
To love what is mortal;
To hold it
against your bones knowing
your own life depends on it;
And when the time comes to let it go,
to let it go.

mary oliver


Please help provide financial support by sending whatever you can. We are hoping for lots of $25. hugs- or whatever works for you - to help the Hunters with medical and transition expenses. They also want to protect the wetlands, forest and farm* that have seen so much of their love over the years and to help keep Tom's work alive in the world. (*Contributions given specifically for the mortgage have been moved with overwhelming gratitude to the new Tom Hunter Memorial Account described above.) If you wish to make a donation please make checks payable to Tom Hunter Family Donation (or to Tom Hunter Memorial Account) and mail to:

Whatcom Educational Credit Union
PO Box 9750
Bellingham, WA 98227

If you'd prefer to donate safely and securely using your credit/debit card, use this button:

Now the focus narrows to just the steps ahead. You have a chorus of knowing, loving voices all over this planet to sing you home.


Many of the photos from this page and also new ones have been moved to their own page and can be viewed by clicking on the link below. If you have photos to share please send them to us at Thanks.

Singing with friends

Singing with friends
Salem Oregon 1990

Laughing at a story

Laughing at a story
June 7th from Marie
"All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today" Indian Proverb
with love from Gege Manolis

Tom and Irene

Tom and Irene
June 2008


To leave a comment for Tom and his family please scroll to the bottom of this page, and then come back up to today's date on the left side. Click on "comments" and leave your message in the box on the right side of the comments page. Your comment will not show up immediately as all comments go through the postmaster. They will be posted as soon as possible. If your comment is not posted within 24 hours please contact the postmaster at

There are many ways to help. Please click on under Music, Meals, Flowers, Yard Work, Farm Work below or look for the How to Help section opposite the daily comments on the right side of the blog towards the bottom.

The Hunter Family

The Hunter Family

Words from Tom's Dad

May 26
Somebody noticed what you did today
Somebody noticed little things along the way
How you watched how you listened to what children do and say;
Somebody noticed what you've done alway
'Tis grace has brought us safe thus far,
And grace will lead us home.

May 29
And the Angels took care of him.

May 31st
The Lord bless and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you, your family, the city of Bellingham, and the world, peace-- both now and forevermore. Amen

Tom with the love quilt

Tom with the love quilt
From First Congregational Church of Bellingham

Aeden, Tom & Willard Hunter

Aeden, Tom & Willard Hunter
Three Generations

Tom and Cindy

Tom and Cindy
Prayer rocks from Lummi Island
"Sometimes healing is more than getting better. Sometimes it's love revealed....." - Tom Hunter

Aeden and Tom, April '08

Aeden and Tom, April '08
For my dad
May 20, 2008

Here I sit, feeling my feet on the floor
An image of grounding you’ve used lots before
Trying to make sense of this surreal, difficult time
While loving where I came from with infinite pride

It’s been amazing how many lines from your songs
Have been lights in the darkness when it all feels wrong
Have comforted, questioned, been profound and fun
Your capacity for humanity is second to none

This world is a better place because of who you are
And that’s known widely – near and far
In music, education, and matters of the heart
You’ve bettered lives right from the start

I’m so proud of you, of where I’ve come from
You’re a huge part of me and have taught me a ton
About being human, love, laughter, and tears
And how to keep going despite life’s fears

Please don’t worry about the rest of us
We’ll take care of each other and will always feel your touch
Your laughter, music, compassion, and voice
Will always be with us in the midst of life’s noise

So here I sit, feeling my feet on the floor
With love and gratitude deep down in my core
I’m so grateful for the time we have had
You’ll always be my mentor, my best friend, my dad.


Irene and Tom last summer

Irene and Tom last summer
The very best dad in the world
Laugh Lines

i’ve always loved your laugh lines,
the way you smile ear to ear
and you always have this easy way
of crushing any fears.
we’ve shared so much so far in life
and i’m so proud and glad
that i can say with confidence
i have the very best dad.

from raspberries to hasty moves
and the cutting edge again?!
to times when you have comforted me
over troubles with my friends.
you know how to relieve the weird feelings
when things don’t feel quite right
you let me put them in your hands
and throw them into the night.

we’ve shared trees against the sky
and books, poems, songs and walks
you taught me respect by looking again
and i’ve always loved our talks.
from dream stories to lake padden eagles
and coloring outside the lines
i can say with ease and confidence
you have the most lovely mind.

i remember all those wakeful nights
and running down the hall
you and mom sang lullabies
and sound asleep i’d fall.
i’m your goofball now—
i’ll always be whether we’re near or far
i’ll hold you close in who i am
no matter where we are.

i know it’s getting harder
to take in this fantastic world
just know i love you—i always will—
as daddy’s little girl.


May 22, 2008 After baptizing little Maddie

May 22, 2008 After baptizing little Maddie
Exchanging blessings

To My Old Brown Earth by Pete Seeger

To my old brown Earth
And to my old blue sky
I'll now give these last few molecules of I

And you who sing
And you who stand near by
I do charge you not to cry

Guard well our human chain
Watch well you keep it strong
As long as sun will shine

And this our home
Keep pure and sweet and green
For now I'm yours
And you are also mine

with thanks to Cori Dusmann

May 22, 2008 At the Shepherd's

May 22, 2008 At the Shepherd's

"I want my music to be grounded in the realities of what kids and teachers know. I want it to 'ring true; as it helps people laugh, cry, remember, celebrate, and learn."

— Tom Hunter

Tom in his backyard Labor Day 03

Tom in his backyard Labor Day 03
"I've been visiting schools to sing songs for almost 30 years. I've been in a lot of classrooms, presented a lot of workshops, talked with a lot of teachers, and sat on a lot of floors with kids. If I bring reminders of what's important in education, they come from finding those moments when the heart shows up, moments that peek around the corner and need to be invited farther into the room so we can see them. Such moments might seem ordinary but they are way too important to be captured in test scores. They fill teachers (and sometimes children) to overflowing."

Quoted from Tom's introduction to his book of essays : "Visits to the Heart of Education: Remembering What's Important" (available from Song Growing Company - see link below)

"But what if we can't get there?
What if it's too far?
What if we can't find our way from right here where we are?
What if it doesn't matter
that we can't find our star?
What if God comes anyway
right here where we are?"
-Tom Hunter

Northwest Teachers Camp

Northwest Teachers Camp
from Cori Dusmann


If you have photos of Tom that we can use on the blog, please email them to us at
Today, like every other day, we wake up empty
and frightened. Don't open the door to the study
and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument.

Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

Rumi, the Sufi Poet

Clarification -- How to Comment

To comment, please click on the "comments" button below todays date. On the comment page - please write your comment in the box on the right side of the page and then sign your first and last name. Your posting will go through the postmaster - and will be put on the blog as soon as possible. To read comments from others, click on "comment" and read the left side of the page. Thanks
If you have questions about the blog or if this does not work for you -- send your message to the postmaster at: and it will be posted for you.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thursday June 19th


Anonymous said...

Gwen, Irene and Aeden and Tom,
I met Tom at Bev's summer Good Stuff years ago...and went to many other workshops he did after that. I lost my brother (age 58) 6 weeks ago of a sudden heart attack. It was hard to not be able to say goodbye to him. As hard as all of this must be for all of you, at the same time, how blessed you are. And yet, how very hard it must be to know that soon it will only be 3 of you. I am awed by the writing and sharing that you've each done. And the amazing circle of friends and family and people sharing how Tom has touched their lives. And Aeden, Irene, and Gwen you are touching soooooo MANY lives as well; what mentors you are of love, caring, support, presence and so much more....all of which has become a present to Tom, to one another and to the many of us that have been blessed with being part of this blog, How AWESOME that Tom has been able to hear all these wonderful things about himself, that usually are only shared after one's death. That concept is something that has really touched my life....share while one is here on earth. May you each continue to receive love and blessings from above, from friends, from each other as you apparently have to let Tom go...though I don't know you personally, it is evident that each of you is an amazing incredible individual....what a family you have created and been so fortunate to be.
~ Kathy

Anonymous said...

Dear Tom, Gwen, Irene and Aeden,

Tom's work with early childhood educators has touched so many of us! This week I am finishing up my bachelor's degree course work and I am writing a statement of my own philosophy of teaching young children and as I write it I have kept Tom's teachings in my mind.

He has deeply affected the way I teach.

The updates on your family and Tom have helped many of us come to terms with this difficult time.

I hope you are comforted in knowing that Tom's is loved and respected by many and he has touch many children's lives by inspiring their teachers!

Thank you for sharing him with all of us.

Kate Stanley

Anonymous said...

Tom, Gwen, Aeden, Irene,
The song I'm hearing this morning on checking your blog is a hymn -
Over my head, I hear music everywhere
Over my head, I hear music everywhere
Over my head, I hear music everywhere
There must, be a God somewhere!

Thank you for the music you added - and continue to add - to that music everywhere.
Sending much love from Forest Grove to you in Bellingham.
Ellen Fiscus

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that this is happening to you, Tom. Blessings to you and your family. I once had the pleasure of hearing you speak and sing at an NCCCC conference, and you brought me to tears with the beauty and wisdom of your simple message. You talked about letting children know: "I've been waiting for you!" when they arrive in the morning, and sang

"Wherever you're from, we're glad that you've come, we've been waiting for you to come to this place."

It's such a gift to open for each child who comes to be with us, and I've always kept that message in mind when greeting children for the day.

We're glad that you've come, Tom, we are blessed to have had your inspiration in our lives.

The One who waits for you now will be glad that you've come, and the rest of us will take what joy we can find in knowing that you are home.

Love, strength, and peace to all of you.

Jacquie Kennedy
San Diego

Marla Bronstein said...

This morning I lit a candle for all of you....I will keep it going, don't you worry about that!!

I love you all.

Marla B.

Anonymous said...

Often during the night I awake and wonder if Tom is still on this earth with us or has passed on to his next "gig" to niggle at us in a new way and from a new space. Then each morning some of my "space" is spent with this blog. I open and go to Beautiful Nighttime to check on things. You are so often there with me writing in a raw, honest and incredibly beautiful way giving me gifts of perspective and wisdom ...... just as your Dad so often did. Thank you!

Margie Kimberley

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said Kathy! Good Morning Hunters. I also burned a candle at 5 AM. Mary

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the story of Tom's courage for that "first" sermon at FCCB in April. Listening to that sermon - beside myself with excitement to have him as my new pastor - I wondered at how nervous he seemed. He gave me a long, warm hug afterward and we talked and laughed about "breathing the willies away". But in my gut, it seemed something else was present. Then when word came of his physical struggles and all the doctor appts., more came into place for me. But it is your story of the days preceding that Sunday service that complete the picture for me and once again, bowl me over at not only Tom's courage and compassion and dedication, but yours as well.

Margie Kimberley
And a post-note that is TOTALLY off the subject .... I wonder how in the world blogdoms expect one to verify the squiggly orange letters below when tears forever blur cl into d and vn into w :)

Anonymous said...

Irene: you are unbelievably amazing! Your updates are awesome. What grace and poetry and honesty and courage you have! Your dad told me again and again over the years how proud he was of you and Aeden. He said repeatedly that you are very much like your, what a power you are together!
I had trouble sleeping a few years ago. I would wake up around 4 am and couldn't get back to sleep. I would go out to the beach and listen to the seals and watch the stars. I was worried about this until I talked to this "way-out-there" friend of mine (she has a guru on a mountantop in India and in Peru), but she is like Tom in that she travels the world trying to bring people of various religions together in peace and empowerment. Anyway, she told me that in every culture in the world--throughout human history-the gods have spoken to their prophets on earth between 4-6am!
So I, too, will light a candle every morning at 5 am and think of Tom, with the understanding that he truly is God's prophet on this earth!
Anne Broussard
Orange County, CA

Anonymous said...

Tom's music and inspiration touches more people than he can ever imagine. While nameless and faceless to him, he certainly isn't isn't namelss or faceless to us.

Thank you Tom for the music and hope.

Remaining anonymous

Anonymous said...

Dearest Tom,
Our family lit a candle at 8 o'clock this morning, to share our gratitude and remain "grounded"in this whirl wind of emotions. In some small way we wanted to join you in your time by sending you our prayers and thanks for all that you have done, all that you are and all that you will continue to be. I wanted you to know that you are bathed in so much light, love and thankfulness. This is so difficult for so many of us, and yet you continue to teach, guide and love us in the midst of your transition. May the Angles watch over you and keep you , as you will continue to watch over us.
God Bless you on your journey dear friend.
My love and Thanks always,

Anonymous said...

You have my heart with you through all of this. It is there with you.
I want you to know Tom is my Hero and he has changed my life in ways that nothing else has. He lives in my classroom. With certain routines I have set up. How I say good morning to each child and parent much more attentively than I used to before I went to all those workshops (I loved)
Songs I sing with them. The way I now sing songs. I will never be the same.
There is so much more but I cannot find a way to say it right now.
My whole heart and love comes to you. God Bless! Thank You for sharing him with us.
Mary Ann Evango

Unknown said...


You write eloquently. I appreciate your twist on Tom's words. The Christmas congs have been flowing through my mind my case it is "Light in the Darkness." Tom sings sings that "someimes I wonder whatever I can. Do you think that Jesus knows all about darkness? Do you think when I meet him will He hold my hand?"

I KNOW that there is a divine hand outstretched for Tom.

I will be thinking about 5 a.m. and candles and space....and know that there is a light in the darkness.

Much love,


Anonymous said...

Dear Irene,

Read you last post-I too will light a candle at 5. I remember seeing you at the Old Town some months back and thinking WOW, what a beautiful woman you had become-you look a lot like your Mom when I first met her. What impresses me more is when did you turn into such a wise woman! The depth of your writing touches me deeply.

I know you will miss you Dad and his great bear hugs. But I want to assure you when you really need that advice or to feel nearer to him you will hear his voice in your heart. My Dad died when I was 25 but when I need support I hear his voice as if he were on the couch beside me. Other times he comes in dreams and at others I see a flash of devilment on Jesse's face that is my Dad.

I know that doesn't make this moment, this loss any easier. But you have been blessed with two exceptional parents-That is such a rarity.

Robert Fulghum wrote about Alexander Papaderos who described as a child during WWII playing with a mirror and shining light in dark places how it became a metaphor for his life. "I am a fragment of a mirror whose whole design and shape I do not know. nevertheless, with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of the world-into the black places in the hearts of men-and change some things in some people. Perhaps others may see and do likewise. That is what I am about. That is the meaning of my life." I know your Dad did this with his life and changed many people and that light will get brighter. I know your Dad worked primarily with teachers and children-I believe that is because that is where we can make the most impact. And as you can see from all these e mails-just one exchange can change a life forever-what amazing power! Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Blessed is the match that is
consumed in kindling flame
Blessed is the flame that burns
in the secret fastness of the heart
Blessed is the heart with the courage
To stop its beating in dignity
Blessed is the match consumed
In kindling flame
-- Hannah Senach

I too lit a candle this morning.

And at music circle last night, we sang songs for Tom all night. We finished with
C'mon you worn out railroad bum
It's time to go
Rattling back to
where your soul is free.


Anonymous said...

Hunter clan... Thornton Wilder once said " There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love...the only survival...the only meaning." Tom's life will continue to give meaning for generations to come and his legacy will survive...all of us promise you that. With unspeakable gratitude and love for all of you, Billie

Anonymous said...

Hi Irene, Aeden, Gwen, and Tom,
Thank you so much for sharing your feelings and thoughts. After Mary Louise called a few days ago to tell me Bill said you are "on watch", I found myself singing "Watchful Sort of Waiting" and rewriting parts of it as I sang. I am so glad to have Irene's new words to that song to add to mine. It is amazing how many of his songs contain words that seem to say even more now than they used to, and they have always said so much.
I love all four of you, and am thinking of you. Cousin Molly

Robin Douglas said...

Dear Hunters -
Driving home after teaching my night class last night I saw one of those amazing full moons - yellowy golden and huge (my brother-in-law says that's an optical illusion, but I don't want to hear it - I say it's magic!). I sang "I See the Moon" all the way home and thought of the four of you with the moonlight enveloping you like a hug.You're all so much on my mind and in my heart....

Anonymous said...

In January, Tom made a trip out to Potter Valley, CA for a day. A tiny school in a tiny town. In our preschool, he made our children come alive for that hour we had him. Even now when I play one of his songs, or sing it with them, they always say, "Hey, that is one of Tom's songs." These are 3-5 year olds who in that one hour were able to grasp what a wonderful person Tom is and know that he is worth remembering. I send my prayers to your family, and thanks for sharing him for one day with us.

With much love,
Jessica Monlux, Potter Valley Preschool

Anonymous said...

Dear Hunters,

I had a nice surprise. Your cds were hand delivered today. To be honest I did not expect to see them for months. I have your lps but all my tapes went south with Chris and the grandkids (It was the only thing from the day care he asked for) That boy has good taste. I'm listening to Bits and Pieces right now--Outside of the Lines. I'm smiling and holding you close. I ordered extras so I can past these gifts on to the young families my life. Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Dear Tom and family:
Tom you lit candles in the hearts of so many of us in the Early Childhood Community. Your songs, and words resonate in our teaching everyday. As we sing and laugh and learn from the little children we work with, your legacy of love and respect will go forward and in your memory we'll do our best to light candles in the hearts of those we mentor and teach. Please know that I hold each of you in my prayers.
Patti Baines

Anonymous said...

Dear Hunter family: you are so gracious and open to allow all of us who only know Tom from his work to share your pain and heartache at the loss of your husband/father/son/brother. I am humbled and grateful to share this transition and Tom's final passage with you.

I've been reading the blog daily, playing and singing along to Tom's songs in my office, in the car, in my head - mostly with Bev and Michael, playing my guitar and sharing them with my students and community as I have done for over 10 years now.

One song keeps running through my head and out of my mouth and heart is:

"The time that we have been together,
Sung together,
Played together,
The time that we have been together,
Has gone too fast.

We had hoped the time would last,
That it wouldn't be gone so fast,
When this time is in the past...
We will remember."

We WILL remember - not only Tom and his work and music (as so many have said, I am forever changed ny that gift!), but the way Gwen and Irene and Aeden have allowed us all to share your shock and grief and love.

The northern candles are burning brightly, and Tom's light won't go out.

Blessings to you all,
Hope Moffatt
Fort McMurray, Alberta

Bonnie Baer-Simahk said...

A candle is burning in Massachusetts for you all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing peace to this trying world.
Now: peace to you.
Thank you for being part of our lives...and marrying Molly and me.
Love and strength to you and your family, with prayers,
Rick Madden

Rochelle said...

Dearest Hunter Family,

We never know how long we are given to be on this earth, but God knows. You are a truly amazing family, sharing and showing compassion through this difficult time in your lives. Thank you!!! Each morning I open up A Beautiful Nighttime to catch up on the happenings. I was truly touched as I read how Irene rocked her father and sang to him. I also know how hard this is for you, his dear loved ones. Please know that I am praying for each one of you. I shared the information with my aunt who recently retired after 35 years of teaching Kindergarten in Los Angeles. She remembers Tom for his inspirational and encouraging songs that teachers know would encourage them along the teaching path. When you shared about the song “Hobos lullaby” I remember Tom sharing how that is his song for his daughter and he would sing it to her. I have never met you but feel I know you his family.

I have been a director of a child care center for 27 years and know what is best for kids and so much of the childhood memories are conveyed through Tom’s songs. When I stop to reflect on why I am doing this job I can accept things better.

I have thought how God is even using Tom during this difficult time but at the same time I keep hoping for a miracle. While we don’t comprehend God’s ways all the time, there is a deeper sense of our responsibility to carry out the mission that God directs us. I think of the work began years ago through the ministry of Tom’s music. I am committed to working hard to be a good steward of the job that the Lord wants me to do. I am filled with sadness concerning what has been happening with Tom and can only offer my love, prayers and support at this trying time. I also know that the Lord is saying “Well done good and faithful servant”.

I recently played the song “Thank you Teachers” and want you to know “Thank you Hunter Family” for continuing to share even at this difficult time. Lovingly, Rochelle Himmelrick – Barstow, Ca.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Gwen, Irene, Aeden, Morgan and Tom,

My heart is heavy tonight, although my spirit can't keep from singing. I, too, am missing Tom so 'very well' tonight, Irene, and I will always miss him.

I have taken so much comfort from all of your heartfelt words in this blog, and I thank you for sharing this incredible experience with all of us. It also helps to read the words of so many people who love and care so deeply about Tom.

My daughter, Jenna, is having such a difficult time with all of this. Tom and his music have been such a special part in the life of all the kids, and they love him so much!!!!

Yesterday, through her tears, she told me that she felt just like a bowl of soggy cereal. Wow! I can really relate to that feeling! She also said to me,"Mom, why would God take such a good person? Tom is so good and he does so much good in the world." It's hard to know how to answer that. Tom is such a good guy, and I'm certain God has some pretty awesome plans in place for him. It just hurts so much to say goodbye.

You are all angels! You have surrounded Tom with love, laughter and music, and you've held him close throughout this whole ordeal. Thank you for taking such good care of him. He is so blessed to have such caring people in his life!

May you feel the love that surrounds all of you during this difficult time, and may love hold you through the night. I'll be lighting a candle, too.

The world is already filled with the light of Tom's love.

You are in my prayers.